AI & IT UG - IT Projects is a web application for polls and enquiries, freely usable for everyone. For a long time i have had the idea, so I am very happy to finally have found the time to realize it. I have lots of ideas for new features to add.

Matlab-Integration of VPLAN with MEX

In the last year I have been advising a joint project by BASF SE and the Junior Research Group ExpDesign of the IWR institute of the University of Heidelberg realising the integration of the software for optimal experimental design, VPLAN, into Matlab. For this we follow a two-tier approach:

  1. A source transformation provides a mapping between VPLAN in- and output files and a Matlab struct. By this way the model setup can be done conveniently in Matlab. The VPLAN in- and output format is derived from so-called INI files with some special characteristics

  2. MEX can be used to call the VPLAN routines, which is needed when the model functions are written in Matlab

The mapping between VPLAN input and output and the Matlab struct is a good example for the usefulness of source transformation: It allows the integration of the VPLAN software into Matlab without having to actually link VPLAN binaries into Matlab, and when that is done (in step 2.) it helps to keep the binary interface clean and simple.

OPX transformation server

I have set up a transformation server for some popular text formats, as for example "Twitter-speak" or the so-called INI-files. The result is usually available either in XML format and one or more additional formats, for example HTML.

I recently added a parser for mathematical expressions, with MathML output, including a transformation for the differentiation MathML of expression.

More transformations will follow soon.